Help elect Christian Phelps on Tuesday, November 5!  Find Your Polling Place

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I’m proud to be pro-public education, pro-public land, pro-public health, pro-public participation in democracy, and more. I believe in the public because I believe in our community.

I have attended, worked in, and advocated for Wisconsin’s public schools for decades. There isn’t a single student in the state today who’s seen a budget that kept pace with inflation. We must draft, pass, and enact a state budget that values students for what they’re worth: we’ll dramatically boost special education funding, stop passing new unfunded mandates, and fix the school funding formula to reflect students’ real needs.

When Roe vs. Wade was overturned, abortion rights were returned to the states. Wisconsin finds itself in a dangerous limbo with an archaic 1849 ban on the books and the whims of a state supreme court dictating what decisions individuals are allowed to make about their own pregnancies. That’s why we must introduce a state bill that protects abortion rights and leaves the freedom to choose in the hands of women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and families–not politicians. I’m prepared to put my colleagues on the record on this issue, and to campaign year-round for candidates at every level who recognize and will uphold the fundamental freedom to access reproductive healthcare.

The Republican-led legislature has repeatedly turned down federal funds to expand Medicaid and cover more Wisconsinites under our fantastic BadgerCare program. Wisconsin is one of just 10 states that hasn’t accepted this expansion. The Chippewa Valley finds itself in a tenuous position due to the abrupt closure of two hospitals this year, largely due to the lack of public oversight over our hospital chains. Mental health crises are being funneled into crowded emergency rooms or the other side of the state when it would be healthier and more cost effective to address mental health issues in standalone, proactive mental health clinics. When I’m elected, we will reinstate the hospital chain accountability board, work to fund mental healthcare, accept Medicaid expansion, cover more individuals, children, and families through a public option, and move toward the responsible solution: guaranteed, publicly-funded healthcare with no cost at the point of access.

We can boost labor rights and save the environment by making a series of simple decisions. By fully funding the DNR, working with labor unions, and moving toward renewable energy, we can protect Wisconsin’s environment for generations to come, strengthen wages and create new union jobs, and respect sovereignty for indigenous nations and populations. I will support any bill aimed at protecting the environment and the working class from corporate greed.

Labor rights are the backbone of a strong economy, stable families, and a just, healthy society. Wisconsin has a rich history of leading on the labor movement. But since public sector employees were stripped of their collective bargaining rights in 2011, gender pay gaps have grown, teacher shortages have reached a crisis point, and morale for public employees has plummeted. I am a community organizer who’s prepared to leverage relationships to emphasize the discriminatory nature of Act 10 and Right to Work to get them repealed, restore prevailing wage laws, and empower unions to empower laborers. We can work together to return to our progressive traditions, tackle poverty, and restore public sector employees’ ability to negotiate for the compensation they deserve.

Wisconsin is increasingly becoming a bubble. Despite the fact that legalizing marijuana would be immensely popular, our regressive, Republican-led legislature has kept Wisconsin stuck in the past even as our Midwestern neighbors have moved forward. By legalizing, taxing, and regulating cannabis, and expunging the records of those unjustly arrested for possession or use, we can keep families together and open up a new stream of public revenue.


Moms Demand Action Gun Sense

I’m proud to have been awarded a Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate Distinction this year for my demonstrable plans to govern toward gun safety in the legislature. It should not be easier to get a weapon of war than it is to get a job, and by closing some basic loopholes in our system, we can keep firearms away from children and expand our community’s freedom to live in safety.

Learn More

Fund Strong Public Schools

Restore Reproductive Freedom

Expand Healthcare As a Human Right

Protect the Environment

Legalize Cannabis

Broaden Workers' Rights

Fund Strong Public Schools

Restore Reproductive Freedom

Expand Healthcare As a Human Right

Protect the Environment

Legalize Cannabis

Broaden Workers' Rights

Fund Strong Public Schools

Restore Reproductive Freedom

Expand Healthcare As a Human Right

Protect the Environment

Legalize Cannabis

Broaden Workers' Rights

Fund Strong Public Schools

Restore Reproductive Freedom

Expand Healthcare As a Human Right

Protect the Environment

Legalize Cannabis

Broaden Workers' Rights

Fund Strong Public Schools

Restore Reproductive Freedom

Expand Healthcare As a Human Right

Protect the Environment

Legalize Cannabis

Broaden Workers' Rights

Fund Strong Public Schools

Restore Reproductive Freedom

Expand Healthcare As a Human Right

Protect the Environment

Legalize Cannabis

Broaden Workers' Rights

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